The flute of interior time is played
whether we hear it or not,
What we mean by "love" is its sound
coming in.
When love hits the farthest edge of
excess, it reaches wisdom.
And the fragrance of that knowledge!
It penetrates our thick bodies,
it goes through walls.
Its network of notes has a structure as if a
million suns were arranged inside.
This tune has truth in it.
Where else have you heard a sound like
this? - KABIR (mystic, 15th c.)
VALLYS 2016-06-07-20h49m CEST
"Gralsburg"→Baden Belchen→Glastonbury Tor→Venus: 300.04°az
→ Ritus
"The Flute of Interior Time" is a song by John Harbison setting of a poem by the Indian mystic and poet Kabir. The English translation of the poem was made by Robert Bly.
Radio Vatikan
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Filmed by Matthew WILLIAMS
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